Machon Hasharon - English

Mark Roitman M.D.

Mark Roitman M.D.

 Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Sex Therapist, Hypnotherapist


People of old age are vulnerable to specific forms of psychopathology that could be a result of different physical conditions. Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Degenerative Central Nervous System processes, together with psychological problems, like loss of friends, spouses, close relatives, social isolation – could contribute to the development of mental conditions of different severities.


In many cases the family and the surrounding people see those conditions as an inevitable consequence of aging and consider them as untreatable. However, for many old people this is not the case. Precise diagnosis and complex treatment of both physical and mental conditions could dramatically improve the life quality of a person. In some cases it seems like magic.


Musical Hallucinations, Depression and Old Age


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Sunday, 21 April 2013 13:08

Middle Age Problems and Conditions


Ages 45 to 65 are usually a period of life which involves physical changes. Changes in hormonal levels occur. Menopause in women can be accompanied by physical and mental symptoms. Reduced levels of male sexual hormones can cause erection and libido problems, reduced energy and muscle mass loss.


In both men and women existing diseases can worsen, and new ones may appear. This includes high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular and orthopedic problems.


Long term destructive effects of obesity, sedentary life habits, and even moderate levels of tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse become obvious in this period of life.


Middle age is also the age of change in professional and financial status of people. Some are promoted to positions of high responsibility, others – find themselves fired, in early retirement or moved to perform low qualification jobs.


Changes happen in the family. Children grow up and leave home; parents get old and need special care and attention. In some couples, old conflicts re-surface, raising tension, mutual accusations and hatred. Some couples are unable to live together and divorce, leaving both partners alone in the most vulnerable period of their life.


All those can raise hidden psychiatric and psychological problems, or worsen existing ones.


Proper diagnosis and professional care, both on the physical and psychological levels, could change the situation drastically, enabling the suffering person to return to normal and enjoyable life.


The Concept of Projective Identification: It's Use in Understanding Interpersonal and Group Processes

Sex surrogates


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Sunday, 21 April 2013 13:07

Sexual Disorders


Shame, lack of social skills, lack of experience, low self-esteem, feelings of disgust, low body image, stress, lack of sexual education, traumas related to sexual experiences, different physical conditions and aging – all of the above can cause avoidance of sexual situations and impairment of sexual function.


Sexual Therapy for a couple or for an individual usually corrects not only the sexual function itself, but also the causes of sexual dysfunction.


Sexual Therapy usually involves "home-work" or home exercises, which the partners have to perform between the therapeutic sessions.


For people with sexual problems, who do not have regular sexual partners to practice with, surrogate sexual partners for the time of therapy can be provided.


Rehabilitation of sexual functioning in a chronic mental health patient

Sex surrogates


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Sunday, 21 April 2013 13:03

Psychosomatic Disorders


The interaction of genetic factors, personality traits and stress, can be critical for development of psychosomatic conditions.


Many physical conditions are accompanied by psychiatric morbidity which could influence (and worsen) their outcome.


Teamwork of psychiatrists, along with specialists in other fields of medicine is needed, to treat those conditions.


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